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Thursday, April 10, 2014

An (overdue) update

Apologies for neglecting these pages recently. I'm not one for writing blogs unless I have something to say (tweeting is a different matter - as those who follow me will testify, I blurt out any old rubbish on Twitter) but after a period of relative publishing famine, the next few months constitute a feast. Four books of mine are due to be released in 2014, possibly more.

Nigel Barnes

...still lives, as does Grant Foster. The third book in the series was published in France last month (you can find it here). I intend to release the English language version, One Soul Less, in the summer. I don't have a English publisher so it'll be self-published, and I also hope to re-release the first two books in the series, The Blood Detective and Blood Atonement, so those who haven't read the books can catch up. More to follow on this.

Field of Shadows

This is a true story of a cricket tour by an English team to Nazi Germany in 1937 and will be released by the lovely folk at Transworld on May 8th. I plan to blog in detail about it a bit nearer the release date. I'm very proud of it - it's a great story and was a pleasure to research and write. In the meantime, here's a link to the Amazon page if you want to know more .

Who Do You Think You Are?

I've already written three books which have accompanied the TV show and I've just finished writing another. This summer's series will be the show's 11th, and includes the 100th episode. I was lucky to be involved at the start, and its staggering to see how successful the format has become. The latest book is a pocket guide for beginners, explaining how to to trace your family tree, illustrated with some of the best celebrity stories from the show's past. It should be available in early July.

How to be a Spy

In November, Walker books will release my latest kids book, How to be a Spy. In it, we follow the story of Agent X, an ordinary boy who is recruited as a spy by his long-lost uncle. From the blurb: 'Use the information on each spread to help him uncover an evil plot and save humanity from everlasting war! Each spread is packed with everything you need to create a secret identity, beat a lie detector test, pass information to other spies and spot a double agent.' Illustrated by the very talented Nikalas Catlow, it will be a thing of great beauty.

So, as you can see, I've been quite busy. I'll be back with some more info soon!

